jcv has not just reinstated the missing scenes but has incorporated footage from five othersources to make this the most complete and satisfying way to view this epic. We no longer have to make do with the truncated and edited versions on video,DVD and Blu Ray.Here we have an Extended edit with a running time of 7 hours. Jesus of Nazareth, please find below a few words regarding theįilm.There's always been a bit of a problem when it comes to Jesus of Nazareth.Some DVD sets we Know are cut others claim to be uncut but are not,then there are the versions where the packaging suggest one run time yet the DVD's run less and finally the Blu Ray which most would say was an opportunity wasted.Now thanks to jcv we have the excellent and sweeping account of the life of Christ as Zefirelli intended it to be. Hello, Thanks for the opportunity of watching your extended version of