Gallery posts are currently banned due to a spoiler tag glitch. This includes uploading images of a vandalized page (even if you are not the one doing the vandalizing), telling people to vandalize, saying that you have vandalized or have intent to vandalize, and praising people for vandalizing. Do not incentivize vandalizations of Wikipedia or the Danganronpa Wiki. They will be removed when the issue is resolved. These rules are intended to be temporary and are only in place for current circumstances. This includes: an unedited image of an official Danganronpa asset, computer-generated content, and image posts that require comments in order to be appreciated. Do not post content that does not show effort in creating it. No roleplaying is permitted on this subreddit. Posts that have the potential to spark controversy or fighting are not allowed.
Do not post artwork nor text of a pornographic, extremely sexual, or otherwise Not Safe for Work (NSFW) nature. Avoid posting similar or identical content that has been posted less than 6 months ago, or that is in the top 20 most upvoted posts of all time. Fantranslation patches and translations of unlocalized novels are allowed. Do not share content such as ROMs or other forms of piracy. Non-OC art that is considerably edited or used in memes is allowed to be uploaded as an image file, but must cite the source in the comments.
If you directly repost art from another artist, then the post will be removed. are not permitted (unless they are the original source). This must be the direct source - links to image aggregators such as Pinterest, Zerochan, Google Images, Imgur, etc.
All non-OC fanart must be submitted as a direct link to the original source. This applies to the Danganronpa series, Danganronpa fangames & fan projects, and non-Danganronpa media. Please specify what you are spoiling in the title of your post. Do not post unmarked spoilers, including spoilers in the title.
Don't be rude to other posters, no matter how the person might be acting. Posts must be directly relevant to Danganronpa in some way.
What is Danganronpa? Danganronpa is a visual novel game series.